Personality and science

The personality test

Have you ever been asked to do a personality test or compile a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses , threats etc) for yourself?

And then wondered what was the point?

You’re thinking, “I already have a personality”. And worse, you feel like the result slots into a little box labelled a  “developer” or “director” or “introvert”?  If all this made you uncomfortable or cynical, you are not alone.

Human personality is complex. Simplistic descriptors create misconceptions that perpetuate stereotypes. Such labels can be be very misleading. Worse, labels encourage behaviours that reinforce thinking about yourself that actually constrains your potential rather than discovering it!

Self awareness is the key

resilience and self awarenessOur approach is to use a range of diagnostic tools and techniques to teach you to become more self-aware.

We will help you understand your personality, define your aspirations, and discover how these interrelate with your values and motivations. We show you how to be conscious of your behaviour changes when you are stressed, under pressure or just plain bored. We’re about discovery and outcomes, not generic-labelled boxes. 

Applying science to personality

Our Founder, Penny Armytage is accredited and experienced in using the Hogan Personality tools. Founded by Drs Joyce and Robert Hogan in 1987, Hogan is a global leader in the science of personality.

The science of personality is not a test that measures what you think of yourself. In fact, most people overestimate their own characteristics. How you see yourself is not always reliable measure of your personality or your underlying values. 

The simple logic of Hogan’s research is humans are social creatures with a range of characteristics. How you believe others see you, your reputation, is a more reliable predictor of how you will perform because you are more likely to behave in ways to impress others.

We can define reputation in terms of personality characteristics. For example, what is your social style? How inquisitive are you? And particularly important for advice professionals, how well you are adjusted? Adjustment reflects how resilient you are and composure under pressure. 

Interested to learn more ? listen to the Science of Personality Podcasts here

How can Hogan profiles help you?

Hogan’s profiles are an important part of your coaching conversation. They provide diagnostic tools for your coach to guide you to understand your personality, and your values. And you receive easy to read, useful reports about yourself. The profiling is based on an easy-to-access online questionnaire, which is completed by you in the privacy of your home or office. 

 The Hogan methodology allows diagnostics for individuals, which can be aggregated for teams or organisations. Importantly we have specifically designed assessments for professional year graduates  training to become financial advisers. 

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.”

Amelia Earhart, American pioneer aviator and writer 

EagleView Coaches, using many IECL techniques, are trained to generate these results:

  •  Improved performance
  • Greater resilience and well-being
  • Greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Increased curiosity, openness, insight and creativity
  • Improved strategic thinking and perspective taking capacity
  • Greater decision-making capability
  • Improved communication
  • Improved ability to build strong, high trust relationships

EagleView can also provide IECL-trained experienced mentors to assist as you deal with everyday challenges and to help you strategically navigate your career path.